Gav Toye Artwork

A spell. Write it out. Spell it out. Make it clear. Repeat it.

Write it out. Spell it out. Act it out. Know it. Know it.

Rehearse it. What is your spell??? This is my book of spells now.

Bigger writing is a louder voice and can be heard inside the head.

The spell is to drown out the noise . Make it loud not loud but clear.

Begone the destructive spirit. Begone the spirit of entropy. Begone entropy and chaos.

Fill the world with the energy that binds us together and defeats entropy and chaos.

Feed the spirit that is good that is killed by the destructive spirit. Know the destructive spirit.

Know it. Know the destructive spirit. It will distract you from positive actions. Positive actions

must be recognised. Positive actions must be made real. Art must be a positive action. Art

must be a positive action. Make art a positive action. Resist cynicism. Resist art that is falsely positive.

The world The Universe is in motion, is in flux. Do not believe that the past can return. The past is

a story. The past is a kind of truth. But only a kind of truth. The present is a kind of truth also.

Whatever truths we have, positive lessons must be learned from them. Lessons learned from kinds of

truths make other kinds of truths. That is the kerb between subjective truth and the road of objective truth

because if there are objective truths, we are constantly making and remaking them.

They arent solid. We only think/talk solid. Contribute to objective truth by positively shaping it.

Contribute to objective truth by positively shaping it.